Electrical Engineering Solutions
We are specialise in providing range of electrical services, including design, installation, testing, and maintenance of electrical systems. These services covers diverse range of industries, such as commercial, and industrial sectors. The company’s expertise include electrical engineering, project management, and sourcing of materials and equipment required for electrical installations. We offer in-house competent wireman and chargeman approved by Energy Commission (Suruhanjaya Tenaga) based on clients requirements.
Low Voltage (LV)
LV CablingGenerator SetElectrical SwitchboardBusbar Trunking SystemPower and Lighting SystemLighting Protection & Earthing System
Extra Low Voltage (ELV)
SMART SystemCar Park SystemCard Access SystemPublic Announcement System (PA)Closed Circuit Television System (CCTV)
Infrastructure Work
Street LightingExternal Telephone WorkTNB Cabling and Manhole
Information & Communications Technology
Network SystemStructure CablingTelephone SystemKey Phone System